Quality Program
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Quality Program
NUCCORP’s responsibilities for the establishment and implementation of NUCCORP’s quality assurance program are clearly defined. The organizational structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and lines of communications for all activities affecting quality are fully documented.
NUCCORP’s Quality Assurance Program meets or exceeds the requirements of:
- Title 10, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix B (10 CFR 50 Appendix B)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) NQA-1-1994
NUCCORP’s primary business is in the development of innovative products to solve issues in the commercial nuclear industry. NUCCORP develops products that are mostly mechanical in nature which function uniquely (non-active in the nuclear regulatory sense) to solve a given problem. The officers of NUCCORP are well experienced in mechanical design and QA management and hold engineering degrees and various post graduate degrees.
NUCCORP currently holds no “N” certificates from ASME in regard to ASME Section III stamping, as many of our products do not require code stamping; however, our QA program and procedures do allow us to handle, machine and fabricate safety-related parts made from ASME material (SA or SB material), provided welding is not involved. When NUCCORP products require stamped components, we utilize our network of ASME code designers and fabricators to design and stamp those appurtenances and pressure vessels needed to functionally implement NUCCORP’s devices. We license and sell our “N” stamped components through our network of Industry Partners and suppliers, often for final design certification or fabrication directly to commercial nuclear stations globally.